Maintaining commercial carpets on a daily and weekly basis isn’t a difficult task, but it becomes difficult when the stains seep deep into the crevices of your carpet, and you have to get off the stains no matter how deep. If that doesn’t happen, your carpet might look dirty and lose its beauty too. To maintain the beauty of your carpet, you have to clean it steadily as allowing stains to linger on the carpet damages the carpeting and therefore reduce its lifespan.


However, there are stubborn stains which don’t wish to go away even when tackled immediately. In this piece, we throw some expert light on the ways to deal with stains especially these stubborn ones that threaten the beauty and lifespan of your carpet.

Act Fast

Once you realize that your carpet is stained and the stain looks recent, you don’t have to relax until it seeps deep into the carpet. React quickly to any spill or stain especially when recent with rags or paper towels. Ensure not to rub the spot as it might diffuse to the surrounding fibers from the stained spot. Instead, exert firm pressure on that stained spot to blot the stain and lift it upwards to be absorbed by the rag. Acting fast is essential as some liquids particularly hot liquids such as coffee become resistant to cleaning once they cool on your carpets surface.

Get rid of the solids

This is important as it makes your carpet easier to clean. Scoop off the solid but if the solid is already attached to the carpet, use ice cubes on the solids. This helps to lift the solids from the carpet. Leave the ice for longer if you try scooping the solids off, and it’s still attached to your carpet. In the case of burns from a cigarette, rub the stain gently with the back of a blunt knife or using a scraper. When it happens that your carpet is stained by glue, dip a rag in alcohol and dab at the stain until the glue stain is lifted.

Rinse out the stain

Spray water on the stained area and using a cloth or a paper towel, rinse the stain off the carpet when you apply pressure thereby soaking up the stain alongside the water. This is done mostly when the stains are old and dried up. For dark stains from red wine or coffee, using a spritz of soda water on it helps lift the stain faster.

Apply a solvent

Using a solvent to lift leftover stains after rinsing can come in handy for some stains. This solvent could include just water and detergent or soda solvent as advised earlier. Certain stains like blood stains are best cleaned using a tablespoon of ammonia mixed with water. Make sure to use a spraying machine that would give you a spritz of water or these solvents when needed.

Rinse a second time

Once you’re done with a solvent, it is advised that you rinse with a white clean rag or paper towel. This is applicable for each cleaning stage as white towels won’t transfer color during the cleaning process.

Dry Carpet

Ensure you allow your carpet to dry and try as much as possible not to walk on it while it is wet as you might get your carpet a lot dirtier.

Finally, always make sure you do not pour a lot of water on your carpet while rinsing or dabbing at stains. This might make the situation worse.

We hope this was helpful. Feel free to drop your comments and experiences cleaning hard dirt from carpets.

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